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Owner Statement to the Reader

When I was in school for my bachelors, I was unemployed and trying to rebuild my career. I started to analyze what I was lacking for success… Experience – Needed a job will get this. Degree- working on it right now. Good start.

Then I started to think: “Gosh, why was so easy for me in Israel to feel successful? Then it dawned on me: Connections.

I wish I had my connections from Israel here in the US. In Israel, I was connected with a lot of people and companies. I had all these good friends in different companies and every time I had the need of a new job they would bring my resume to the hiring manager or recruiter. That was it. Done deal.

Yep that’s why it was easier in Israel. I was mekooshar. I wish I was connected here, I wish there was a dedicated LinkedIn or Facebook type platform for people like me.

Then I thought, “Hmm… that would be a great way to connect to friends and family.” We, of the Jewish faith and Hebrew speakers, need to have a platform to connect. – Mekooshar.
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